Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Goals Step 2: Choose ONE to work on. Make it SMART

Goals Step 2:  Choose ONE to work on.

I am going to choose to work on "feeling confident in a swim suit".

I have had 3 beautiful babies.  So I have a bit of a mommy tummy.  However, the area I want to firm up and shape is my lower half.

Let's SMART the goal out.

Specific:  I want to feel confident in a swim suit by firming up my lower half
Measurable:  Pictures of 0, 30, 60 and 90 day results.
Attainable: I will eat only Protein and veggies.  No fruits or grain.  Limit calories to 1600 a day.  Keep track of food on paper.  Eat 6 small protein carb balanced meals a day.  Doing P90X3 for 90 days.
Relevant:  Swim suit season is coming and if I wait until summer to eat right and exercise then it will be too late.
Time-bound:  I will start tonight with P90x3.  Taking the fitness test and before pictures.

ACCOUNTABILITY:  Who is going to help hold me accountable.  I need someone.

By posting this on the blog it hold me accountable.  Also Mr. E is going to be doing it with me.  I will respect his privacy by not posting photos of him here.

Stay tuned for photos tomorrow.

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