Tuesday, February 16, 2016

SMART goals

We all have goals and achievements we want to accomplish.  Stop.  Take a minute and write those goals down.

When you see others meeting their goals what do you think? 

"They are smarter than me".  
"They are more motivated than me".  
"They have more time than me".    

Some of those statements may be true and apply to the given goal.  So how do you know if your goals is any good?  Can you reach it?  How do you know?

If you use make sure it is SMART than you should be able to reach it.  I think there is ONE major thing missing rom SMART goals.

You need to be held accountable.  You need an extrinsic motivator.  Someone.  

Let me give you an example.

Example 1

You want to loose some weight.  

Specific:  Loose 20 lbs 
Measurable: 1 lb per week
Achievable: Measure and keep track of calories on myfitnesspal.  Calories per day 1500.  No grains.  Only meats and veggies.  Protein carbohydrate balance.  6 small meals.  Exercise Daily using P90X3.
Relevant: Swimsuit season is coming.  You finally want to feel confident in that suit.
Time-bound: You want to complete this in 3 months time.

So now who will hold you accountable?  You need someone to do this with you.  So call a friend,  there are forums on Facebook, or use a significant other.

It seems simple enough.  Unless you make a plan to achieve it you are setting up yourself for failure.  You make plans and you keep them.  

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